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The Dynamic Analysis Tool - Land Development allows your staff to manage your real estate portfolio of assets.
This tool provides an auto updated map of all the parcels that the airport has available for both aviation and non-aviation development. The tool not only allows you to inventory and create a portfolio of real estate assets, and can be customized to include lease management if needed.
Our land development tool optimizes land utilization, customized to your airport, breaking down properties into various development types and other parameters. It can be developed into a Strategic Real Estate Master Plan.
Scenario-based Analysis. This allows your staff to run financial scenarios on various opportunities or by land parcel to quickly manage your portfolio, provide analysis, generate proformas to show returns on investments on possible developments.
Centralized database. The land development tool manages complex sets of data, such as environmental and utility information, highest and best use analysis, height restrictions, development concepts, and instantly displays information on property cards.
Quickly create, store, and download marketing materials to send to potential tenants and developers.
This application is a proprietary software program of McFarland-Johnson, Inc., and protected under U.S. Patent No. 9,189,824.
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